Showing posts with label Breast size. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast size. Show all posts

21 Feb 2012

Beauty of women is her ASSETS(Breasts)

Natural ways to increase Breast Size

  • (1)Fenugreek(methi) is considered best to increase in Breast size.Fenugreek help to increase breast size by mimicking the effects of estrogen and by stimulating the production of prolactin.Both of these hormones are vital for Breast development.Fenugreek safely and naturally stimulates tissue growth resulting in bigger, firmer, and fuller breasts.
  • (2)Sesame Seeds(Til or Gingelly) are very effective in firming and enlarging the breasts of women. This seed is made up of calcium, protein, iron and phosphorous and should be included in one’s daily diet. The oil also can be applied on the breast.
  • (3)Grape seeds extract also increases breast
  • (4) Swinging arms clock-wise and then anti-clock-wise for eight counts is of great help to increase Breast Size.
  • (5)Massage in circular motions applying pressure on the upward area is known to work to increase Breast size.
  • (6)In recent years, the addition of some chemicals and oestrogens to some meats such as chicken and beef has been thought to be a cause of larger breasts in teens and young women.
  • (7) Put mashed bananas in an old bra and wear it for as long as possible.It is also considered effective to increase breast size.
  • (8)Banana milk shake is also considered best to increase breast size.
  • (9) Beat an egg white until creamy and rub it on the bottom of the breast. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash with onion water.
  • (10) Softly and gently Massage Your Breast with Honey because it is considered best to increase breast size.
  • (11) )  Fresh strawberries and blueberries are also considered good to increase breast size.
  • (12)Use of protein rich  diet is also helpful to increase breast size. Try to use eggs, fish and meat in your diet plan and also try to use Fresh green vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.